Branda Tan is a Violin and Piano Teacher for Gray School of Music
Branda Tan has many years of experience being a violin and piano teacher to students of all ages and levels.
She began piano lessons at the age of 5. Starting at the age of 7, she entered the music exams by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), and completed all 8 levels of graded exams in piano, violin, and music theory.
She then studied at The Malaysian Institute of Art (MIA) with a major in piano and a minor in violin.
Branda Tan and Ana Gomez Ferstl performed at their recent two piano recital.
In 2001, Branda earned an Associate in Recital in Solo Piano through the Trinity International Examination Board under the Trinity College London. The Music Department at MIA also awarded her an Achievement Award and she graduated with distinction.
In December 2004, Ms. Tan graduated cum laude from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Music. While studying at UNT, she was a student of internationally renowned pianist Mr. Adam Wodnicki. She was also the recipient of numerous scholarships and awards, including the Multicultural Scholastic Award, the Academic Achievement Award, and the Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Musicology Honor. The UNT department of Music History later offered Branda a teaching assistantship.
She completed the Master of Music degree at UNT in May 2008 with a Master Thesis on Franz Liszt’s “Swiss” volume of Anneé de Pelèrinage. Ms. Tan is a member of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA). She is also affiliated with the Irving Music Teachers Association (IMTA).